
What is Natural Farming

Natural farming is a way to partner with nature to grow abundant food. It has been practiced for thousands of years. We see natural farming all around the world. In the past few generations, Japan has been the hub of natural farming. Master Cho (Cho Hankyu) studied enzymatic theory and natural farming in Japan and brought that information back to Korea.

Master Cho is the leader in Korean Natural Farming (KNF) and has been training others in Natural Farming techniques. Master Cho is passing down his knowledge and the baton onto the next generation, and he has been personally training Chris Trump. Master Cho told Chris that Korean Natural Farming is not finished and asked him to continue developing the method.

So what makes Korean Natural Farming unique? It combines rock solid technique that makes dollars and cents with a philosophy of regenerative agriculture.

Product Categories

At Natural Farming Vietnam, our network of natural farmers are continually growing,
so our offering of products continue to be diversified. We are excited to share with you these current product categories.

Flash SALE

For a limited time, check out these flash sale items!

Organic Farming

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed
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farmer tt

19-Jan-2024 12:00 AM

Nice pic dear

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed
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farmer tt

19-Jan-2024 12:00 AM


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farmer tt

19-Jan-2024 12:00 AM

12:50 am

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farmer tt

27-Oct-2023 12:00 AM

Test new thread

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do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore

farmer tt

26-Oct-2023 12:00 AM


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We have many partners working together to make this happen. Would you like to become one of our partners?